Childbirth preparation

Birth should be your greatest achievement......not your greatest fear 

~ Jade Weideman

Course tailored to your needs

I offer a unique and comprehensive approach in preparation for childbirth. The course is tailored to you and part of this course can also be the emotional and spiritual aspects of childbirth. It provides a balance of practical and creative information along with the realization that childbirth is a unique experience. I support every birth option and you can choose the topics you want to focus on.

During our course we will usually focus on the following topics:

  • Physiology of labour & birth

  • Hormones associated with childbirth

  • Movement and posture during pregnancy, labour and birth

  • Medical interventions and your options
  • Bonding and birth of the placenta

  • Breastfeeding and postpartum period
  • Role of partner / birth support team

  • Touch and massage during labour and birth

  • Relaxation techniques and options

  • Birth plan and your wishes

You can start the course at any stage of your pregnancy.

The course is divided into 4 meetings, each meeting lasting 1 hour.

What will the course give me/us?

I offer a unique and comprehensive approach in preparation for childbirth. The course is tailored to you and part of this course can also be the emotional and spiritual aspects of childbirth. It provides a balance of practical and creative information along with the realization that childbirth is a unique experience. I support every birth option and you can choose the topics you want to focus on.

During our course we will usually focus on the following topics:

  • Physiology of labour & birth

  • Hormones associated with childbirth

  • Movement and posture during pregnancy, labour and birth

  • Medical interventions and your options
  • Bonding and birth of the placenta

  • Breastfeeding and postpartum period
  • Role of partner / birth support team

  • Touch and massage during labour and birth

  • Relaxation techniques and options

  • Birth plan and your wishes

You can start the course at any stage of your pregnancy.

I offer a unique and comprehensive approach in preparation for childbirth. The course is tailored to you and part of this course can also be the emotional and spiritual aspects of childbirth. It provides a balance of practical and creative information along with the realization that childbirth is a unique experience. I support every birth option and you can choose the topics you want to focus on.

During our course we will usually focus on the following topics:

  • Physiology of labour & birth

  • Hormones associated with childbirth

  • Movement and posture during pregnancy, labour and birth

  • Medical interventions and your options
  • Bonding and birth of the placenta

  • Breastfeeding and postpartum period
  • Role of partner / birth support team

  • Touch and massage during labour and birth

  • Relaxation techniques and options

  • Birth plan and your wishes

You can start the course at any stage of your pregnancy.

  • Independent information about childbirth and everything related to it

  • well-arranged materials for download,

  • Permanent phone or email support until the baby is born

  • Additional information and tips

Kdy mám(e) kurz absolvovat?

  • Ideální čas pro absolvování kurzu je mezi 20. a 32 týdnem těhotenství nebo i dříve.
  • Nikdy není příliš pozdě můj kurz absolvovat…..ale nenechávejte to na příliš pozdě!
  • Budete mít alespoň dost času si vše promyslet a rozhodnout se, jaký porod si přejete. Možná si budete chtít najít dulu nebo svou vlastní porodní asistentku…přijďte tedy co nejdříve.
  • Příprava na porod je dlouhodobý proces, který kurzem v podstatě začíná.